quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2007


[Postado por Anne M. Moor]

I would like to invite you to participate in a trial writing course, which intends to use a blog as the midia for learning and developing language. No one but the group involved will have access to the blog. It will be a participative, collaborative free writing course, with the objective of developing your English.

You and some others have been chosen to be my “mice” (no pun meant) because I know I can trust you to give your sincere opinions and help me build this course, and because I also know that you like writing.
If you are interested tell me here or send me an e-mail. The course will begin on September 1st. If you want to know more about it click here.

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.
Carol Burnett

14 comentários:

Udi disse...

I'm glad with your invitation and I'm in! Can I?

Anne M. Moor disse...

Of course! I'll love it. Will be in contact...

Érica Martinez disse...

Anne, I loved this idea, but I have some issues about the commitment... (!!!!!!)
we can do this easier?

Érica Martinez disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Raquel Neves de Mello disse...

Tô dentro!

Anne M. Moor disse...

Erica, it's research and the experiment of an idea that has been hammering on my brain for some time, but at the end, those of you who have attended the miminum commitments will get an "atestado" to say you participated.
The idea is for those of you who are interested to give suggestions. If you think the commitments suggested are too difficult to reach, let's see about it.
Easy does it...

Good Raquel... you'll get an email from blogspot... You and Udi...
When you decide Erica let me know.

Anne M. Moor disse...

Yes, Erica, we CAN make this easier... :-)

Érica Martinez disse...

ai! apaguei!
we can MAKE it easier?

Anne M. Moor disse...

Yes, we can... The idea is to be relaxed and have fun as you improve your English...

Anne M. Moor disse...

Raquel: qual endereço teu ponho?

Flavio Ferrari disse...

At paper, is fiction. (Rodrigo Ferrari)
Brilliant idea, although, like Erica, I am not sure if I would make it.
But I may try. It won't be my first fail ...

Anne M. Moor disse...

You may or you will? Come and join us, if you drop out we'll forgive you... :D

Flavio Ferrari disse...

I may, I can, I could, I should, I would but the mirrow is broken and it is raining outside ...

Raquel Neves de Mello disse...

Anne, use por favor o e-mail da Seminis.